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All you need to know about the Enlighten system

Your questions about the Enlighten whitening system answered here.

22 April, 2024

Amongst all cosmetic treatments in dentistry, teeth whitening remains the most popular. A common misconception that many share about teeth whitening is that it’s a swift process that can produce life-long results after spending 1 hour in the dental chair. However, the reality of it is that these methods can sometimes prove to be ineffective as patients can get early relapse due to superficial bleaching

More advanced systems tend to take much longer; often 2 to 4 weeks, but produce results you can maintain for a lifetime with a simple at-home top-up regime.

Enlighten is a 3-week treatment (for 95% of patients) and guarantees a B1 shade for 98% of cases. Patients are given a treatment kit to take home and use for 3 weeks. The first 2 weeks consist of constantly using the gel each night. Place the gel in the trays and then insert it into your mouth and go to sleep. Rinse them with cold water in the morning and place them somewhere dry, upside down so any excess water can escape. Once you have finished the two weeks of night treatment, move on to your final 3rd-week gel. The 6% gel is to be worn for 1 hour a day for seven days, once this week is complete, you have finished your Enlighten whitening journey. 

Follow along as we answer our most asked questions about the Enlighten system that patients are eager to know about. 

    1. Do I have to go to the dentist for this?

Yep. Professional whitening systems have to be done under the supervision of a dentist in the UK.

    2.  Can I buy directly from you?

Although that would be great, Enlighten whitening is a treatment, not just a product. That means a dentist is needed to perform the treatment, take your molds, and have your customised whitening trays made. Also, you need a check-up before doing the treatment.

Plus UK law prohibits the selling of professional teeth whitening gels directly to the general public because they can only be provided under the supervision of a dentist. But fear not, head to our Find a Dentist section here (find.enlightensmiles.com) and you’ll find an Enlighten dentist near you.

    3. How long does it take?

3 weeks.

But if you have a complex case then it can take up to 8 weeks. Your dentist will be able to give you an accurate expectation during your initial appointment. 

    4. How white will my teeth go?

98% of cases reach shade B1 and some even go beyond. This is regardless of your age, diet and current teeth shade. A lot of patients go beyond B1, but we can’t guarantee that. 

5. If I don’t reach shade B1, what shall I do?

Firstly, get in touch with your dentist and let them know your concerns (because they’ll understand your case better than us) if they will get in touch with us and we’ll do everything we can to make it right.

    6. What is a ‘saturation point’ and what does it mean?

It’s basically the point at which your teeth can’t go any whiter. It varies from person to person and can’t be pinned down to a single shade.

    7. Will my crowns/veneers / composite fillings change colour?

They won’t, sadly. ☹ Only your natural tooth changes colour. For this reason, we recommend that you have your whitening treatment first and then consider having any cosmetic work done to match up your newly whitened teeth.

    8. Is it safe?


Unless you’re pregnant or a nursing mum, in that case we would advise you to wait.

    9. Will it hurt?

Honest answer? There will be some sensitivity because of the nature of how teeth are whitened. But we did our best to make sure it’s a rare occurrence and many of our patients experience no sensitivity at all. Some do experience a little sensitivity and around 2% of our patients experience a more intense sensitivity. If you do happen to get any, we promise it will go away once you stop the treatment.

    10. Is it suitable for vegans?


    11. Are your products tested on animals?

Our products are 100% cruelty-free.

    12. How long does it last?

Well, forever really.

All you have to do is keep up with a simple at-home top-up regime.

    13. What is the recommended top-up regime?

Keep the attachments on your back teeth and top-up with a Week 2 syringe (16% CP) once / month for the first 6 months. Get your attachments removed and for the following year, whiten one night every 2 months. In the long run, whiten one night every 6 months, or as and when you feel necessary.

    14. Do I need to follow a white diet?

Not. At. All.  Who can go without coffee for 2 weeks?

    15. Can I drink red wine/coffee & eat curries, etc.?

Curries, red wine, coffee – you name it, you can have it. And that’s before, during, and after treatment. 

And when we say, ‘during treatment’, we mean those 2 weeks of at-home whitening + in-office procedure (but just not whilst the actual trays are in your mouth).

    16. How much is Enlighten whitening?

The price will differ from dentist to dentist and from practice to practice. So, we can’t give you an exact figure, but it averages from £500-600 for the complete system (which includes enough gels for your 3-week treatment, bespoke Enlighten trays, and toothpaste).

    17. How much is the top-up regime?

This too will differ from dentist to dentist, but the average tends to be between £60+ per syringe and should last 12-18 months.

   18. Are there any finance options?

Sure are, a lot of practices now have finance options but make sure to check with your dentist before booking any appointments.

    19. Do I need to keep the gels in the fridge?

Ok, this part is crucial. The gels (the three syringes) must always be kept in the fridge.

    20 . What happens if I forget to put the gels in the fridge?

Don’t sweat it. If you have left the gels out of the fridge for up to 7 days and were not left in direct sunlight or near a heat source, refrigerate immediately and you should still be ok to use them. Unrefrigerated gels left out for over 7 days should be discarded and you should get new gels. To do so, please contact your dentist.

    21. What do I do if I get sensitivity?

For sensitivity relief, you can wear your trays with a small amount of Enlighten Serum toothpaste in each tooth compartment for 1 to 2 hours at a time before or after bleaching.

If you still have sensitivity, then you’ll need to contact your dentist because extreme sensitivity can be caused by an external factor and your dentist is likely to have another treatment option.

    22. When do I use each toothpaste?

Every day.

From 2 weeks before and during the treatment, the Enlighten Serum should be used every morning and every night to help with sensitivity instead of your regular toothpaste. Then once you’ve finished the treatment you switch to using the Enlighten White toothpaste for the mornings to keep stains away and prolong results and continue using the Enlighten Serum at night for micro repair. 

The best part is, both tubes of toothpaste have all the properties of regular toothpaste on top of their own.

    23. Is there an over-the-counter (over-the-counter) alternative?

Nope. Professional teeth whitening is the only thing that will free your teeth from all kinds of stains (intrinsic and extrinsic).

Over-the-counter whitening products only clean the extrinsic stains off of your teeth or dehydrate them, giving the illusion of whiter teeth.

    24. Does professional whitening affect enamel?

Nope. It’s 100% safe.

    25. Can it damage the teeth if done for longer than 3 weeks?

Not at all. Apart from some sensitivity, no damage can happen (as long as you follow your dentist’s instructions).

    26. How many consecutive nights is it safe to do whitening for?

There isn’t really a time frame preset. After assessing your case your dentist will give you a time frame depending on your case, and as long as you stick to it you’ll be totally fine (and if it makes you feel better some patients with very dark, greyish teeth have been known to whiten up to 6 months at a time).

    27. Can I control the shade of my teeth?

Up until B1 (which the shade is we guarantee), you sure can. Once you start the whitening you can do it until you’re happy with the shade or until you reach B1.

Tooth shade guide

    28. I don’t want my teeth to be chalky white, how can I make sure this doesn’t happen?

The beauty of teeth whitening is that your teeth will never look fake. With veneers and crowns, they can look unnatural. However, your whitened teeth are still your natural teeth and that’s how they’ll look – natural.

Plus, you can stop the whitening when you’re happy with the shade but bear in mind that during the treatment your teeth can dehydrate and look whiter than they will once they’ve rehydrated a few days later.

    29. I have finished my 3 week’s whitening treatment, what do I do now?

As there is now no in-office appointment with your dentist, and you have finished your whitening treatment, enjoy your new pearly white smile! if you feel the need to contact your dentist for any reason then book yourself an appointment. 

    30. How do I know the dentist is good at whitening?

Thanks to social media it’s actually pretty easy to figure this one out. 

Head to your chosen dentists’ Instagram or website and peruse through the cases they’ve posted. It’ll give you a good indication of the kind of results they can achieve.

Our top providers are called ‘Enlighten Regional Centres of Excellence’ and you can request a free consultation from them through our website if there’s a centre around you.

    31. How can I find out where I can get the Enlighten treatment?

All you have to do is click here, type in your postcode, and all the closest practices to you that provide Enlighten will show up.

    32. If I have any issues who do I contact?

Speak to your dentist as they should be your first port of call, but if it’s us you want to speak to then send us an email at info@enlightensmiles.com
and we’ll do everything we can to help.

If you have questions about the whitening kit or wish to speak with a team member, please click HERE 🦷 for assistance. We’re here to help!


If it’s the Enlighten Teeth Whitening System you want to dig deeper into, then give it a click right here 

And to find an Enlighten whitening expert near you, hit the button below. 


Or if you want to learn more about mini smile makeovers, click here here.


303 Responses

  1. Hello, I am currently on day 3 of my first week of the 10% gel.
    I already have sensitive teeth anyway, but as soon as I put the guards in it’s EXCRUCIATING for around 15 minutes and then it does settle down. Is this normal? Because it’s putting me off using it, I dread putting them in at night. The sensitivity is unbearable!
    I tried using the serum toothpaste in the guards 1-2 hours before but it doesn’t help at all, if anything that’s also uncomfortable 😞
    Any advice would be appreciated because it’s a lot of money to spend and throw away because I’m that uncomfortable 😞

    • Dear Abigail,

      Thank you for reaching out to us at Enlighten.

      We are sorry to hear about the discomfort you’ve been experiencing during the whitening process. Sensitivity can vary from person to person, and while some level of it can be expected, extreme sensitivity warrants further examination to ensure there’s no underlying dental concern.

      We advise you to schedule an appointment with your dentist to discuss the discomfort when whitening as it’s important that your dental health is assessed in person for a tailored outcome.

      Please know that we provide our partner dentists with a desensitising product known as Hurriseal, which is designed to help maintain sensitivity associated with whitening. Your dentist is best equipped to apply this treatment effectively, or they may offer an alternative solution to enhance your comfort.

      Hope this helps, and we are always available to call on 020 7424 3270 if you need further assistance.

      From the Enlighten Team.

      • My dentist has already applied hurriseal.
        It’s still extremely painful, and I ABSOLUTELY dread putting the trays in at night.
        At nearly £600 it’s extremely expensive and I’m forcing myself to keep up with it otherwise I pay aswell of thrown my money down the drain.
        I understand sensitivity is normal for some people but not to this extreme, I purchased this with the thoughts and being told it should be minimal (which is very misleading really) because you can’t be certain.)
        One thing for sure I won’t be using it again as it’s been a painful and traumatic experience for me.
        My dentist has seen me & applied the hurriseal which helped for a day! After this it’s just been persistently painful. I will be avoiding this treatment again it’s not worth it. Extremely disappointing and a very unpleasant experience

        • Hello Abigail,

          We have replied to you via your review you left us on TrustPilot to help resolves this issue. Please could you call us on 020 7424 3270 and we will be more than happy to help you find a solution to your problem please.


          From the Enlighten Team.

  2. Hi there, I’ve done 2 nights of whitening and it’s been fine apart from some initial occasional sharp pain which feels deep in a couple of my teeth. It only last for a few seconds and only occurs in the first hour of wearing the trays – after that and through the night it’s painless. I have a thin enamel which could be why. Should I be worried or is that normal?

    • Hello Imogen,

      It is completely normal that you may feel some sensitivity when whitening, and especially if you have thin enamel, this is nothing to worry about. We recommend if you do experience any sensitivity you can place a small lentil size amount of the Enlighten Serum in your whitening trays and wear this 1 hour prior to whitening 🙂 If you are ever worried about any pain, please contact your dentist and they can asses your case for better direction and advice.

      Hope this helps!

      From the Enlighten Team.

  3. Hello
    I have tetracycline stained teeth. Will enlighten work to lighten these and if so would I still achieve a B1 shade?

    • Hello karen,

      Thank you for getting in touch with us, Yes, Enlighten can treat tetracycline cases. As this is considered a difficult case, we recommend 5-weeks minimum at home whitening. Your dentist will also be able to help guide you through the process, and fill you in on anything else you need to know about whitening with tetracycling.

      Hope this helps!

      From the Enlighten Team.

  4. Hi, I’ve just reached the end of week 3 using Evo4 and have about half of each treatment syringe left. Can you let me know if the week3 gel is also suitable for top-ups? If not, should I just keep using that gel for 1 hour/day until it runs out? (I suspect this would be an additional 3-4 days treatment). Thank you

    • Hello Louise,

      Having some gel left at the end of your treatment is normal, as it varies from the size of your teeth. However, the week 3 syringe will not work as a top-up, if you would like to purchase a top-up syringe, please speak to the dentist who you did your Enlighten treatment with. You are also safe to continue using the week 3 gel until you run out 🙂

      Hope this helps!

      From the Enlighten Team 🙂

      • Hi I am on my second syringe of enlighten and only a couple of my teeth half way up from gum seem whiter and that’s at the side teeth I am not seeing any change yet is this normal I have a front tooth crown and my teeth are still the same colour as crown

        • Hello Jackie,

          Thank you for contacting us! We advise you to finish your whitening treatment before shade comparing. Results vary, some see difference within the first few days, and others at the end of the treatment. Your dentist at your final consultation will compare your starting shade to your finished shade 🙂

          Hope this helps!


          The Enlighten Team.

  5. Hi there, I’m 5 days into my first week. I have found I’m very sensitive to the gel and find it creates a burning sensation for the first 5+ minutes. I understand this is normal from the faq’s here. I’m just concerned as this seems to be getting worse each night. I’m also finding sensitivity in my teeth and gums during the day while the trays are not in, which I have not suffered from before. There doesn’t appear to be any allergic reactions. Is this ok? Will the sensitivity go away once I have finished treatment? Thanks

    • Hello Greg,

      Sorry to hear about your sensitivity, We am going to contact you via your email address so we can ask a few more questions regarding this 🙂


      • I am having the exact same symptoms… currently on day 4 and it seems the burning is worse for the first 5 mins. Please advise if this is normal

        • Hello Geny,

          This burning sensation can be due to direct contact of the gels on the gum line, it is harmless to the safety of your gums, however can be uncomfortable. What we recommend doing would be using less gel in your tooth compartments when whitening and to remember once you place the whitening trays in your mouth to wipe away any excess gel that comes out, but with you using less gel that should not be an issue.

          If this continues to happen, please call us on 020 7424 3270 and we will be happy to help make the process as comfortable as possible.

          From the Enlighten Team!

  6. I have only done 2 days of second syringe and am running out of liquid. The syringe is not the easiest at controlling the amount that comes out
    Can I get a second syringe to complete the weeks programme

    • Hello Stephen,

      Sorry to hear this, please liaise with your dentist as we cannot deal directly with patients, however for future reference with your other syringes, push very lightly when inserting the gel into the tooth compartments and there is also a nib to stop any excess gel leaking out.

      Hope this helps,

      The Enlighten Team

  7. Hi. I have just used your enlightening whitening and Mt teeth have changed colour at all I don’t have crowns or veneers and I paid £700 the whitening didn’t come in a box and I didn’t receive the sensitivity swabs. I am so disappointed as I cant afford to get it again I saved up god this and nothing has happened

    • Hello Nicola,

      Please contact your dentist and ask if you have been given the old (Evo3) or new system (Evo4)? Evo3 only consists of 10% and 16% gel syringes to use at home for 2 weeks and then have a follow up appointment with your dentist, where they will use the third syringe, while you are with the dentist. This may be why you have only received 2 gels. Evo4 is the one that consists of 3 gels.

      We designed the kit to be used a certain way however sadly, we cannot control how the dentist decide to use it. It is always best to check with them.

      Thank you,

      The Enlighten Team.

  8. I did a really silly thing. I completely forgot to my gel in the fridge. I’ve also been so busy I didn’t have time to start it so it’s been in my room for a 2 weeks. I finally started tonight only to realise it should have been in the fridge this whole time. I don’t know what to do now. Will my dentist give me another one? I can’t afford to pay for another. I’m so upset. I had a very important occasion coming up and I wanted my teeth to look good for it. Please help.

    • Hello there,

      We have emailed you regarding this matter. Please check the email address you have sent this comment from.

      thank you,

      The Enlighten Team.

      • Hi there. I have done exactly the same as this person! I haven’t been able to use the gels since I was given them 10 days ago as I have been so busy and have just opened the box to realise they should have been refrigerated! I am devastated! Is there anything I can do?

        • Hello Emily!

          Thank you for contacting us, we will contact you via your email regarding the gels.

          thank you,

          From the Enlighten Team.

          • Hi, I also made the same mistake and had left them in their bag for 7and a half days . I also can’t afford to pay more. What can i do? Please help!!
            Thank you

          • Hi there. I was not advised by my dentist to refrigerate the gels! This is not on the instruction sheet I was given either. I have had them for a few months, but they are still sealed in the plastic. What can I do about this please?

          • Hello Steve,

            I am going to contact you regarding this matter via email, so i can assess this case further 🙂


            The Enlighten Team.

      • Hi. I’ve left my unopened pack for 4 days in room temperature. Is it still ok to use the gel if hasn’t been in the fridge?? I’m absolutely devastated and I’m worried I’ve wasted my money.
        Many thanks

        • Helllo E,

          Thank you for getting in touch with us. We are going to contact you via email to resolve this matter further regarding your gels 🙂


          From the Enlighten Team.

  9. Hi I have used the teeth whitening for two weeks now and I have still a week of using it for an hour a day but I feel the top of my teeth are still yellow will it become white at the end of the treatment?
    Thank you

    • Hello Kawther,
      Thank you for getting in touch with us! Finish the whitening treatment, use the three week gel. Week three’s gel is different to week 1 and week 2. Finish your treatment before contacting your dentist 🙂

  10. Hi, I’m going to have a 4 days break between the end of the home treatment and the 20 mins appointment with my dentist. Should I just finish the treatment as planned and leave that gap or take the last 2-3 doses in the days before the appointment? Also, the teeth are getting whiter, but not at the base/near the gums. What do you advise? Thanks

    • Hi Joanne, in this situation is better to keep 2-3 nights worth of gel and do them right before the in-surgery procedure. The gum line is the hardest bit to whiten so finish the treatment and re-assess at the end. If it’s still not white, perhaps have a chat with your dentist about what your options are. Likely to be more whitening. Hope this helped!

  11. My tooth moulds don’t look like the ones on the website/videos. The mould isn’t shaped around the top of the tooth where it meets the gum, but rather goes over the tooth and up the gum and there is then a straight line across. This means that some gel gets trapped between the mould and my gum and is causing some burning sensation. Should I carry on with the process or will this be damaging my gums?

    • Hello there Jo, thank you for contacting us. It sounds like you trays are not Enlighten trays which means that we cannot really advise you further – this would be a question to ask your dentist. It could be a sign of overloading the trays, however before taking any further steps, you must contact your dental care provider first. Hope this helps!

  12. Hi,

    I have the kit and would like to stay a few shades below shade B1. Which syringe do I use less of and do I go through week 1 and 2 fully and then just use the week 3 one for fewer nights or is there something else I should do?

    Many thanks

    • Hello Andrew. Use the gels as instructed by your dentist and as seen on our protocol (Week 1 syringe, week 2 syringes followed by Week 3 syringe) and just stop the treatment whenever you are happy with the shade. Then you can keep the leftover gel for regular top-ups. Hope this helped!

  13. Hi I’ve started using my enlighten treatment but have noticed saliva inside the trays by the morning and not much gel left in the trays by the time I remove them. Is this normal or is the saliva washing the gel away.

    • Hi Charlie, as long as the tray is tight fitting around your gum line, it should all be fine. 😊

  14. Hello, can you tell me what exactly the 2nd/final in house part entails? Is it a uv light or just gels?

    • Hello Siobhan, the in-office procedure which is part of the Evo3 System consisted of 2 x 20 mins applications done by the dentist in the dental chair and you must remember to take your trays with you for that appointment. Hope this helped!

      • Hi, I’m just about to start with the toothpaste and wonder if I can drink water after brushing?
        Also my dentist has not explained anything but she did the impressions. Will she give me sensitivity swabs?
        All I have is toothpaste so far.

        • Hello Jennifer,

          When you go to the dentist for your first appointment you will receive a bottle of the Enlighten Serum to use 2 weeks prior to whitening. This helps with any sensitivity you may get throughout your whitening. Unfortunately, we do not stock the desensitising swabs anymore, however if some dental practices still have them to give, they can. If you do experience sensitivity throughout your treatment, what we recommend is placing as small pea size amount of the Enlighten Serum in the tooth compartments and wear one hour prior to whitening as and when needed.

          On your second appointment, you will receive the kit which comes with the gels x3, your bespoke whitening trays and the Enlighten White toothpaste. Use the Serum in the morning and the White at Night and this will maintain a healthy, bright smile throughout your treatment and for after.

          Once you are finished with your whitening, you will attend your followup appointment to get your after pictures taken 🙂

          Hope this helps!

          The Enlighten Team.

  15. Hi, I finished my whitening treatment earlier this month, my dentist advised that the recommended top up regime is 1x night every 2 months, however if my teeth are getting stained (I drink black coffee and vape), I was advised it should probably be ok doing 1x night every one month or 2x nights every two months (i.e. increased top up frequency). Can I just check with you too that doing 1x night every month is safe and would not damage my teeth/enamel? Thank you.

    P.S. – 20 days post-treatment my teeth are getting yellowish again, therefore I’d like to top up every month if that’s safe, hence my query.

    • Hi Richard, yes – it should be safe, especially if your dentist recommended so.

      • Hi

        I purchased my enlighten kit in October 23 and I have used the 10% syringe overnight once but I had to go away so I have not used it since. I want to restart the treatment, the expiry date on the syringe is 01/2025 and it has been kept in the fridge door, will it still be okay to use even though I opened it a few weeks ago?

        • Hello Michelle!

          Thank you for contacting us about your query! It is absolutely fine to use the syringe even if it was opened a few weeks ago. You can use the gels as long as they have been in the fridge and do not exceed their cell by date.

          hope this helps!

          From the Enlighten Team.

  16. Hi, can you explain the in house dental appointment after the two weeks of home whitening? Is it a different gel is it stronger and why is it only a one off 30 mins appointment?

    • Hi Robert, the in-house procedure was designed to seal the results you achieve at home and give the teeth that final extra boost. Dentists use a different type of gel (a fast-release as opposed to a slow-release as the ones you use at home). Hope this helped.

  17. Hi, it is possible to have more in house treatment if find that the home trays do not work as well at home? I understand this would be at an additional cost.

    • Hi Louise, the in-office is less effective than the home treatment as it’s done over a much shorter period so if you’re worried your home treatment isn’t providing optimal results, we would recommend revisiting your dentist, getting them to check the fit of the trays again and going through instructions with you to make sure you are doing everything correctly and take it from there. The in-office treatment is more for sealing the results achieved at home, the major shade change always comes from the home treatment. Hope this helps!

    • Hi, what is the evo4 that you are advertising, will those with evo3 be able to use or will this be an entirely new produce

      • Hello Louise, the Evo4 is our newest evolution of the system. There’s been some changes but the main idea remains the same so you can keep topping up as usual. 🙂

        • Hi. Is the new serums are better than the ones before including the gels and toothpastes? I just want to continue to get the best results if means to get the new evo4?

          • Hello Louise, the toothpaste have gone through a rebrand, they have not actually changed properties. With regards to the whitening system, we have changed the way we do the process to provide even more predictable results, not the actual gels themselves. You can rest assured you have received a highly effective system and the top-up gels are the same. Hope this helped!

        • Hi I just started my first night with Enlighten and will be travelling for a few weeks. The rules about bringing syringes on the plane is very unclear. So my question is can I stop the first week after 3 days and restart when I come back ?

          • Hi Magelene,

            Thanks for reaching out to Enlighten! Flying with the gels is fine, once you land just make sure that you refrigerate them as soon as you can 🙂

            Hope this clarifies things!

            The Enlighten Team

  18. Hello, I did my 2 weeks of at-home whitening & then the in-office bit, and my teeth apparently went to B1 but they still looked yellowy. It turned out that I hadn’t used anywhere near enough gel in the trays. I still had most of both gels left. I was advised to use up the rest of the green gel, this time putting the correct amount in the trays. My question is, will my final result be compromised because I won’t have used enough of the clear gel? And should I just throw it out now or will it be handy for top-ups? Thank you.

    • Hi Alexandra, since B1 is the shade we guarantee and your dentist advised that you have already achieved that, it is completely up to you what you do with the leftover gel. You can either use it all up to see if your teeth can go any whiter (though it is not guaranteed, you won’t know until you try it), or you can keep it for top-ups. Hope this helps.

      • Thanks, can you clarify whether the clear gel is likely to have any effect now? The dentist told me the it wouldn’t as it’s only 10%. I do find that using more of the green gel is making my teeth whiter but just wondered if there is any point in trying the clear again at a later date. Thanks

        • It depends how much you have left as it’s less strong than the green one but it’s still carbamide peroxide so if you have enough left, it should help. The 16% is stronger so it works faster, but there is certainly no harm in using up the 10% first and then the 16%. Hope this helps.

        • Hi . I am planning to flight can I freeze all treatment ice pack and both syringes ( haven’t been opened yet . ) or just an ice pack ?
          Thank you Inga

          • Hi Inga, definitely do not freeze the gels. You can only freeze the ice pack inside the kit or travel with an ice pack of your own. Traveling with an ice pack should be enough – it’s very cold in the cabin where they store the checked lugagges anyway.

  19. Hi,
    I am considering starting a course of Enlighten treatment, however my natural teeth currently appear to be B1 shade.
    Can this still work on me?
    Is it worth doing or would it be a waste of time?

    • Hello Henry! It would be a matter of trying and seeing if your teeth go any whiter. Lots of people do, but it’s impossible to know for sure or to predict, our guarantee is to B1 shade. Sorry we couldn’t be more specific.

  20. Hi, I purchased a refill about 2 years ago but never used it. Can you confirm if it is still ok to be used? I have kept it in the fridge the whole time.

    • Hi Kevin, thanks for your message. Each syringes has an expiry date written on the side. As long as it’s not expired, you should be fine to use it.

  21. Hello
    I have not refrigerated the gels at all.
    What are the consequences ? (I only realised on day 10 that I should).

  22. Please can I confirm about the top up – I thought I had to repeat the whole course, but reading this, is it literally just one night every couple of months? And which syringe should I use? I’ve got some left in both after the initial course. Thanks.

    • Hi there, that’s right – one night every couple of months should be absolutely fine! You can use both, but if you had no sensitivity issues, 16% as top-up is ideal!

      • Ideally it should be right after the home whitening. If you are not able to attend, you could save 2-3 nights worth of whitening and do them right before your in-surgery appointment. Hope this helps!

  23. Hi Leigh, what we advise you to try is put the Tooth Serum toothpaste in the trays and leave for 30 mins at a different time than whitening, at a minimum of 2-hour difference. This contains a particle that is designed to help with sensitivity. In cases of extreme sensitivity, we advise you to contact the dentist, inform them of the situation and at the same time to switch to day-time whitening. So use the whitening (the lower concentration 10% CP) for 2-3 hours during the day and depending on the results, it may take longer than 2 weeks (maybe 3 or 4). It is completely safe to do whitening for longer than 2 weeks, so you needn’t worry about long term damage.

  24. Hi I’m on week 3 of my enlighten treatment, I have noticed I am producing excessive saliva whilst I have the trays in – will this effect my whitening?

    • Hi Zara, are you wearing them when you sleep? It’s quite common to produce extra saliva, the sealed trays are designed to prevent saliva from getting in, so you should be ok.

  25. Hi, I have just completed x2 weeks of the whitening gel (I was only given the blue gel) and had my in-house 40 min treatment with the light yesterday. I still feel my teeth have not whitened to the desired shade and do have some gel left, is it safe to continue with the trays for another 4/5 days even after the light treatment?

  26. Hi, for the 10% gel I accidently used a bit too used a bit too on one of the days, so instead of using the 10% for 7 nights it’ll 6 nights. Total of 13 if I include the 7 for the 16% gel.

    Will this significantly effect my result or will I be fine since I have in chair whitening afterwards?

    • Hello there, that should be fine especially if you have quite a bit of excess coming out of the trays when you pop them in. You can try to fill the trays ever so slightly less and that will potentially stretch for another day. If that’s not possible though, don’t worry too much! It should be ok!

  27. Hi
    I’m considering using enlighten. My dentist explained everything to me and gave me all the Informations. I vape and I would like to know if I have to stop vaping during the treatment. I read that I don’t need to give up coffee and red wine, but if I have is not a problem. My challenge would be stop vaping.

    • Hi Jo, thanks for your interest and getting in touch. You do not need to stop vaping. As long as you keep up a good oral hygiene routine and you top-up the whitening regularly, you don’t need to alter your diet or habits for the sake of the whitening process. Best wishes!

  28. Hi Lili, the fact that you were recommended 4 weeks likely means your dentists determined that your case wouldn’t be successful with a standard two week course which happens. We usually include a 10% gel in there, but some dentists prefer to use the ystem a bit differently to what we design – whatever they think would give best results. If you are concerned, we would recommend you contact your dentist to raise your concerns and get them to measure your shade. If either of you need our help or advise afterwards, we’re happy to help with whatever we can, but that would be the first step – getting in touch with them and see what they say. Hope this helped!

    • It wasnt because ‘my case wouldn’t be successful with a standard two week course ‘ he actually just tried to upsell me and told me i could save them for later in the fridge. thanks.
      And im confused as to why i was only given 16%.

      • Hello again! Could you please clarify the following: you were given 4 weeks worth of whitening, instructed to use 2 and keep the rest in the fridge for later but you ended up using them all up? We only guarantee B1 shade when the complete system has been used: home kit, office kit and the Enlighten trays. We do suggest contacting your dentist and raise all your concerns because although we have designed the system to be used a certain way, dentists are free to use their clinical judgement when offering it to patients which means they can use just bits if that’s how they see fit. So realistically, in this case, only the dentist can answer these questions. Results-wise, using the higher concentration only should offer good results still. Thank you!

  29. I have a 4 tooth bridge on one side at the top and a small 4 tooth denture on the other side.Will it be worth me having the treatment as I wont be able to replace these at the moment

    • Hi Wendy, restorations (including bridges and dentures) do not change colour with whitening sadly, so we would recommend waiting until you are able to change those. Otherwise your teeth will whiten and the difference between your natural teeth and the bridge & denture will be visible. Hope this helped.

  30. Hi! I have just started the enlighten treatment and it stings a bit when I first put them in for about 10-15 minutes. In the pack I was given by my dentist, I was not given swabs, enlighten serum or toothpaste and the trays are from a different company. I wasn’t told to keep them in the fridge – they were out for 2 nights, but in the fridge now after reading these comments. I’m also not booked in for a tip up at the end of the 2 weeks (although I am booked in for ikon treatment on my 2 front teeth) – is this normal? Thanks!

    • Hello Lizzy, some dentists use the full system, but prefer using just the gel, we cannot control this. If you have refrigerated the gels straight away, they should be fine as it’s been much cooler in the last few days so 2 nights should be ok! Icon treatment is often used with whitening as it is a treatment for white spots so if you have any, then that’s great. Hope this helped!

  31. Hello! I’m half way through my enlighten journey. But after the two weeks of whitening at home, will my teeth become even whiter still after the 2x 20 mins sessions at the dentist? Thank you

    • Hello Jo! The home treatment produces most of the shade change, and the office will still whiten them a couple of shades, but it mainly seals the results and takes the teeth to saturation. Hope this helps.

  32. Hi, just started week two and was reading through various guidance pages on here and their own website. It’s suddenly dawned on me that the dentist didn’t give me the toothpaste to use two weeks prior to starting the whitening treatment, they only gave it to me when they gave me my trays and whitening gels.

    Will this cause any damage to my teeth?

    Will this hinder me reaching shade B1?


    • Hello Louise, thanks for getting in touch. No, it will to damage your teeth nor should it affect your results. That is a desensitising toothpaste given to ensure you go through the whitening process with as little sensitivity as possible; if you were able to do the treatment from start to finish, then all is well. Hope this helps!

      • Hi I have just messaged but I forgot to say I only got 2 gels 1 10% and 1 16% what is thr 3rd week gel?

        • Hello Nicola,

          Please contact your dentist and ask if you have been given the old (Evo3) or new system (Evo4)? Evo3 only consists of 10% and 16% gel syringes to use at home for 2 weeks and then have a follow up appointment with your dentist, where they will use the third syringe, while you are with the dentist. This may be why you have only received 2 gels. Evo4 is the one that consists of 3 gels.

          We designed the kit to be used a certain way however sadly, we cannot control how the dentist decide to use it. It is always best to check with them.

          Thank you

  33. Hi, i have started the treatment (4 nights in). Due to thin enamel and some gum receding my Dentine can be seen.

    is it possible to change the colour of dentine? or is this something that cant be changed?

    if it is, how long till i start seeing a difference?

    • Hi Yusuf, exposed dentine will not change colour at all – once the teeth have changed colour, your dentist can cover the darker root surface with composite bonding matched to the new shade – it’s quite a simple process.😊 Hope this helped, if there is anything else we can help you with, please let us know on info@enlightensmiles.com.

    • Hi Georgie, it can happen but it’s not the usual situation. Do you have any signs of allergy such as swollen lips, breathing difficulties? We would advise you speak and make an appointment with your dentist to check the fit of the trays. Hope this helped, if there is anything else we can help you with, please let us know on info@enlightensmiles.com.

  34. Hello, I am in my second week. But I dont think my trays are tight enough around my teeth. I see air pockets in them
    When they’re on my teeth. Is that normal?

    • Hi Lucy, the trays are created with little pockets and tight margins to ensure gel stays on contact with the teeth without escaping the trays. If you’re concerned, you can ask your dentist to check they are a good fit, but as a rule, we manufacture them as described. Hope this helped!

  35. Hi, I’m nearly halfway through my home treatment and have to stay away from home for a couple of nights. I was wondering if it would be best to take the gel syringe with me and do the treatment whilst away and keep the syringe stored in a cold, dark place (won’t have access to a fridge unfortunately) or to not do the treatment at all for the two nights I’m away (with the syringes kept stored in the fridge at home) and resume treatment when I’m back from my trip?

    • Hello Ian. If you are able to take the syringes with you and store them in a cool place with one or two ice packs in a bag, you should be fine to take them with you. Hope this helps.

    • Hi I have been using the gel for 10 days and it’s working really well but I have not been putting the gel I the fridge? What should I do? Will this do damage?

      • Dear Helen, no – they won’t do any damage to your teeth, but unrefrigerated gels are likely to cause more sensitivity or be less effective. Refrigerate them straight away, but if they’ve been working fine for you, then that’s fine. It’s best to check with your dentists that you’ve achieved B1 at the end as well. Hope this helps!

  36. Hey! I previously had tooth whitening but not Enlighten, and still have my trays which the dentist has checked and said still fit.
    Am I able to purchase just the Enlighten gels to use again at home? Do I also need to book an in-chair appointment after using the gels for 2 weeks?

    • Hi there Hollie. We only guarantee B1 shade if you use the Enlighten trays, the home kit and the office kit. You can still use it with your own trays and although you can still achieve B1, we cannot guarantee it. So it is entirely up to you. 😊

      • Hi
        I have almost completed week 3 but had a few breaks in between one for a holiday and one due to illness Covid will it effect the whitening process?

        • Hello there Vicky,

          Thank you for contacting us here at Enlighten. Ideally we would want our patients to do the treatment in consecutive nights/day however you should be ok. What matters is achieving that B1 shade, which you are still likely to achieve. Please continue until you have completed your treatment and at the end contact your dentist if you are worried about about the results.

          Hope this helps,

          From the Enlighten Team 🙂

  37. I was ripped off by my dentist, who used 16% gel for the in-house session following two weeks of home applications. Can you help?

    • Hi Jen, please can you email us on info@enlightensmiles.com stating who your dentist is, where the practice is located and also explaining the situation to our colleagues. The right team member will pick it up and we can discuss this further. Thank you!

  38. Hi, my dentist didn’t do the final appointment for the whitening that you mention in your blog. Why is that? Also it looks like some of my teeth whitened and some didn’t but I’ve done the same procedure for all my teeth so I have no idea why. Can you help please?

    • Hello there. We designed the product to be done at home followed by an in-surgery procedure however dentists are free to use it as they see fit. Although we cannot guarantee B1 without the in-surgery bit, it does not mean to say you won’t achieve it. If you’re worried about the shade or evenness, it could be a number if things so it’s best you discuss this with your dentist and get them to assess and take pictures. We’re here in case they need our advise too at any time! Hope this helps.

  39. Hi, does the ‘in chair’ treatment consist of a UV/LED type light having to be used? Thanks.

    • Hello Amy! No, none of our products involve any light/laser/activator as these were not proved to help the whitening process.

  40. Was I just given x2 syringes vacuumed packed at a tray that wasn’t made from you and that is it for 600

    • Hi Stacey, thanks for getting in touch. Someone from our team will be in touch shortly via email with more information about this.

    • Hi I was also given just 2 syringes in a plastic bag In nearly done but I have a lot of yellowing still

      • Hi Tabitha, thanks for your message and sorry to hear about this. We only guarantee B1 shade when/if the complete system was used which includes the Home kit, the in-office kit and the Enlighten signature trays. If you’re unhappy with your shade, we advise you to contact your dentist and discuss what your options are. Hope this helps.

  41. Are you able to advise what the final in chair appointment entails? I had my final appointment yesterday which I was advised would be an hour, however, I only wore the trays for 20mins and the appointment was then complete. Is this routine?

    • Hi Laura, usually it comprises of 2 x 20 minutes sessions of whitening with a different type of gel to the one used at home. Have you asked at the time of your appointment about why it took less time at all?

      • I hadn’t asked as I didn’t know what the final appointment actually entailed, and its only since searching around on the Internet that I came across this webpage to find more information

        • Understood! If you are worried it’s best you contact your dentist and ask why it took less time, but if your teeth are at B1 shade and you’re happy with it, then it should be ok.

  42. Hi, I will have a gap of 3 nights between finishing the treatment and having my in chair appointment. I know you say the best things is to leave 2-3 days worth of gel to use in the days before the appointment – but will not using the gel for 3 nights affect the results? Thanks

  43. My dentist did not really say much – just that I have met the ‘guaranteed’ shade and my teeth ‘look nice’. There is a difference, but very slight – no one has noticed I have had this done so certainly not worth anywhere near the price tag.

    I used the 10% gel for 1 week, 16% gel for 1 week and then a 1 hour appointment at the dentist.

    • Hi Alex, thanks for getting in touch. If your dentist has measured your shade and has been able to establish that you have achieved B1 shade, the treatment is then considered successful. If you wish to go whiter than B1, you’re welcome to try whitening for longer (1-2 extra weeks should be fine to do) however there is no guarantee that your teeth will go much (if any) whiter. Teeth have a saturation point where they can’t go any whiter and for some patients is B1, for some is lighter – it’s one of those things where you have to try to find out. If you’re still wanting whiter teeth, perhaps you may have to look at other options such as veneers. However, if you believe your teeth are not at B1, please do contact your dentist and get them to remeasure your shade and take pictures and get in touch with us to see what can be done to correct this.

  44. Hi there,

    Unfortunately, the syringes I was given were out of fridge for more than 1.5/2 weeks due to my fridge being broken and me out of my flat for business purposes during that period. I contacted my dentist and shared my concern but they advised I should start using the syringes not being refrigerated for almost 2 weeks. I came back home 2 weeks later and put them back in a working fridge but I am not feeling comfortable using them still – What would advice be on this case? Is it paramount to have them replaced?

    • Hi Jean, for best results, it would be best to get the gels replaced. Please contact us on info@enlightensmiles.com explaining what has happened and one of our team members will get back to you with the appropriate course of action. Best wishes!

  45. Hi there,

    My 2 weeks treatment will be complete on 13/03 but my next appointment with my dentist is not until 25/03 – 12 days later! Also, it will be a 15mins appointment as instructed by the dentist. From reading more about your guidance, I should have a 45 mins appointment the day after my 2 weeks treatment end, I called my dentist to ask about this and they told me not to worry. Can you please let me know if I have nothing to worry about or should I be concerned? Many thanks.

    • Dear Ana, thank you for your message and sorry to hear you are worried about your situation. We advise you to check with your dentist whether they are going to perform the in-office treatment on you on the 25/03 or whether it is just a review appointment. If you are getting the in-office treatment, then we advise you to keep 2-3 night’s worth of whitening and do them the 2-3 nights before your appointment. That should be fine then. Hope this helped!

  46. When you have the in chair whitening, how long are you supposed to wait in between the two 20 minutes sessions please?

    • Hi Lauren, there’s no waiting time between the two, it’s only the time they take to refresh the gels. Hope this helps!

  47. Hi, after my 2 weeks treatment (10% and 16% syringes), the shade of my teeth were checked by my dentist. The shade of my teeth only improved from A3 to A1/A2. I was given (after few days waiting for some to be delivered at their practice) another 16% syringe to take home to continue the treatment. My question is; how can you tell that the point of saturation has been reached?

    • Dear Isabelle, thank you for your message. The saturation point is where teeth can’t go any whiter and they are a nice uniform colour. We guarantee B1 shade, so you are likely to be advised to whiten until you reach B1 – your dentist will probably check that for you. Please note that the saturation point is different for everyone, so it is best to focus on getting your teeth to B1 rather than the saturation point. Hope this helped.

  48. Hi,
    I’m halfway through my 14-day home kit. How long does it typically take for tetracycline stained teeth to lighten to B1? Would I be given extra syringes/gel at no additional cost, until my teeth get to B1?

    • Hello there, thanks for getting in touch. Tetracycline staining can take anywhere between 2 week to 3 months to whiten. It really depends on the severity of the case. This is something that you and your dentist will have discussed at the beginning of your treatment. We would be happy to discuss and advise your dentist if they need us to. Best wishes.

      • Hi
        Thanks for your reply. I guess the point I’m making, is – am I expected to pay for the additional cost of extra syringes to get to B1? My dentist intimated I would need to pay but an alternative dentist (who gave me a consultation for veneers), said Enlighten guarantee B1 even if it takes multiple extra syringes at no extra cost to me. I need to know if I need to pay more or whether it’s included in the original price of £500+ price- tag and that the dentist shouldn’t be asking to pay. I can’t see anything in writing on your website but would appreciate clarification. Thanks

        • Hello again. Teeth whitening is like any other treatment, the cost is dependent on the severity of the case (how much gel is to be used). At the initial consultation, the dentist examines the patient’s teeth and prescribes the amount of gel (syringes) they believe to be necessary to get the patient to B1, and the patient would have to pay these gels. A standard cases takes 2 weeks, but difficult cases (such as tetracycline) take longer than that, depending on the severity. Hope this helped.

    • Hi Steven. We have designed the product to be used in a kit with 2 concentrations, however dentists are free to use the product how they see fit – they are the trained dental professionals. They are able to use their clinical judgement based on each individual patient when they prescribe the gels and if they considered you are low risk for sensitivity, they might have assumed you would be fine with just the highest concentration (which is the most effective). We suggest you address this with your dentist directly if you have further questions as they will be able to provide you with more accurate information. Best wishes!

  49. Hello

    My dentist has pushed forward the in-practice top up to Day 10, but so far I have not yet finished the 10%. Will this be safe?

    • Hello there, on day 10 you should be on the 16% syringe already. Please can you explain this again as it is unclear what you mean?

  50. I work nights so put my trays in first thing in the morning. How many hours is it safe to keep your trays in…thanx…

  51. Hiya, I’ve completed day 2 of my second syringe, and I haven’t noticed a change in the colour of my teeth whatsoever. I understand that you guarantee a shade of B1, but will I have to pay for further treatment after my top up at the dentist? Thankyou for sky advice you have 😊

    • Hi Chloe, thank you for your message.

      People’s teeth whiten at different rates, but most people start to notice a bit of a change in the first week.

      We advise you to finish the course and if you still not think you are a B1, get in touch with your dentist, get them to have a look, take some pictures and measure your shade and we take it from there.

      We will do anything we can to help you and your dentist get you that B1 shade. 😊

      Best wishes,
      The Enlighten Team

  52. Hi,
    My dentist has given me two 16% syringes and told me to use them for a month. Everyday for the first week and every other day for the next 3 weeks – is that correct? I also wasn’t told that the syringes need to be in the fridge – it it’s now coming on to day 5 and I’ve popped them in the fridge, is that ok?

  53. Hi, I am starting my treatment tomorrow night the 10th December to finish on Christmas Eve 24th, However my last appointment with the dentist is booked in 11th and he said this was okay? Is this too long between finishing the at home process and the last dental treatment? What can I do to ensure the optimum results for my teeth whitening if this is the case?

    • Hi Bobbie-Jo,

      Thanks for your message.

      The best thing to do is to keep 2-3 nights worth of whitening to do right before your in-surgery treatment.

      Best wishes,
      The Enlighten Team

    • Hi, I have just started using the tooth serum to prepare my teeth for whitening and find it doesn’t freshen my mouth as usual toothpastes do. Can I use my normal mouthwash to freshen up after I have brushed or will that lessen the effect of the serum? If that won’t work, what can you suggest? Thanks

      • Hello Karis,

        Thank you for contacting us. We are aware that the Enlighten Serum has a different texture to the normal toothpaste you would use, however this does not mean it works any less effectively. The Serum has been designed to protect your teeth and help against any sensitivity, that is if you have any at all. The freshness is more of a preference rather than a necessity for good oral health or sensitivity reducing properties. Try not to use mouthwash after brushing your teeth, as this does remove all the fluoride from your teeth that does help protect against any plaque and germs in your mouth.

        Hope this helps!

        From the Enlighten Team.

        Hope this helps!

  54. What does the hour long post treatment appointment with my dentist entail please?

    • Hi Caroline, thanks for your message.

      Your dentist will apply a different kind of gel on your teeth in 2 sessions of 20 minutes.

      It’s a straight forward booster sessions.

      Best wishes,
      Enlighten Team

      • What happens if you skip that? I’m going in sabbatical for 6 months and sadly won’t be able to see my dentist before 🙁

        • Hi there! The most shade change happens at the home stage so as long as you’re happy with the results, it shouldn’t be a huge problem. Hope this helps.

  55. Hi, I’ve got four nights left of the stronger gels before my in chair treatment. Everything’s gone well so far however, I seem to have whiter patches on a couple of teeth. Is this normal ? And will they disappear once the treatment has finished.

    • Hi Ella,

      Thank you for your comment.

      White spots are not uncommon and they usually blend it within a few days after stopping the treatment (although in some cases it can take up to 15 days)

      If you want to speed up the blending process, you can use the Tooth Serum in the trays as you would do with the whitening and wear it for 30 mins at a time for a few days after finishing the treatment.

      Hope this helped!

      The Enlighten Team

  56. I am on day 1 of the second syringe. Even from day 2 of the first syringe I noticed a difference. My teeth are already visibly lighter and without looking at the colour chart I feel they are already probably close to b1. I’m so impressed and have still got a week to go before the in chair treatment.I am getting a little sensitivity and slight pain with this new syringe, but I understand that is to be expected. Excited to see the full results!

    • Hello there,

      That is so exciting, thanks so much for sharing your experience!

      We would love to see your before and after pictures at the end if you are happy to share! <3

      Best wishes,
      The Enlighten Team

  57. My dentist didn’t tell me I needed to save 2 days of gel before the last session, which now is being delayed! Is this normal?

    • Hello there Helen,

      Thanks for your message.

      It’s not the end of the world if you haven’t kept a couple of night’s worth of gel for before the in-chair, more so if you’re already at B1 shade. By how much time is the final appointment being delayed?

      Thank you,
      The Enlighten Team

      • My dentist didn’t inform me either and I have finished all the gel and my appointment not for another 2 weeks

        • Hi Caroline,

          It shouldn’t affect results too much, mostly if your teeth are already at a B1.

          The in-surgery should seal the results and give them an extra boost.

          Best wishes,
          Enlighten Team

  58. I’m 4 days in to my enlighten treatment and my dog has stolen and chewed up completely one of my gum shield. What should I do?!

    • Hi Chloe

      Thanks for your message.

      This situation with the dogs chewing owners’ trays happens more often than you think!

      You will need to get the tray re-made. If you still have the white models of your teeth, you can take that back to the dentist so they send it back to us and re-make the tray.

      Hope this helps!

  59. Hi I have last 2 nights left of the 2 week treatment, but I can only see a patch here and there on a couple of teeth and the rest seems unchanged. I wore the trays st night, but I do clench when I sleep and the trays had gone progressively more lose as the nights gone by. I now have my in chair bleaching coming up, but worry it won’t work either because of the loose fitting trays and that I’ve wasted my time and gels for nothing.

    • Good morning Natalie, thanks for your message and we’re truly sorry to hear your treatment has not worked so well.

      In order for us to help with this we will need some more information from you, so please can you send us an email to info@enlightensmiles.com copy-pasting this message there and also include your full name, phone number and dental practice?

      We will try our best to fix this for you.

      Best wishes!

  60. Hi,

    6 days ago I ve received my whitening kit but I had my gums a bit inflamate so did not started yet. I was just reading the instructions now I have noticed that the kit should be kept in the fridge. If I kept it on the room temperature is it still okay to use it or should I contact my dentist to get an replacement? I am a bit worried now as I am not sure if I can use it or not.
    Also, which toothpaste should be used during the treatment. The white one or the tooth serum.
    Please advise.

    • Hello Cristina,

      Thank you for your message and sorry to hear about this.

      As long as the gels were not in direct sunlight or heat, they should be ok to use, but please make sure to refrigerate immediately.

      The Tooth Serum is the only that must be used during the treatment morning and evening as it is a desensitising toothpaste. The white one only after you finished the treatment as it’s a whitening one and it helps prolong the results.

      Hope this helps! 😊

  61. Hello, I have just finished my two weeks and dentist visit. I have to say that I am completely unsatisfied, there is minimal change if any and I have followed the directions strictly. I am really surprised that this system is so bad for such a price, when it has not worked.

  62. Hi
    I have done my 2 weeks whitening plus the in chair treatment, my teeth are really patchy, with some areas being bright white and some having what would seem like no lightening at all. I have just gotten 2 more weeks of the home treatment, my concern is I am doing something wrong. I have done exactly as instructed, but I have also ready on other sources that you should wait 30-60mins after brushing, that fluoride in the toothpaste forms a barrier that stops the bleach working etc
    Please advise 🙂

    • Hello David, thank you for your message and sorry to hear about this. Firstly, we would like to reassure you that white spots are a relatively common side effect of teeth whitening and they usually blend in within a few days of stopping the treatment. Secondly, fluoride from toothpaste does not affect bleaching results at all, so do not believe you are doing anything wrong. Keep going with the extra 2 weeks and get your dentist to re-asses at the end. Afterwards, if needed, you can use the Tooth Serum to speed up the blending process by using it in the trays for 30 mins (just as you do with the whitening). Lastly, if you or your dentist need any further advice from us, we’re always here to help. Hope this helps! :blush:

  63. Hi,
    I am 5 days into my 2 week whitening and noticed whilst brushing my teeth this morning that quite a few of my teeth have these very faint white lines on them. Almost like they are cracks.
    Is this normal?
    I’m nervous to continue using the gel as don’t want damage my teeth!

    • Hey there, thanks for your message. These are micro cracks, which most people get through normal wear & tear. Professional teeth whitening is completely safe and will not damage your teeth. It is most likely that those cracks have been there for a long time but have not noticed them because of the initial colour your teeth were. If you’re too worried, consult with your dentist but it’s important to know that whitening won’t damage your teeth if done as instructed by a dentist. Best wishes

      • Thank you for quick reply! 🙂
        Is it also normal for your teeth to appear patchy during the whitening process?
        I am on day 6 so still have 8 days to go.
        Will my teeth look better by the end or am I doing something wrong?

        • Sometimes white spots appear and look more pronounced during treatment but will blend in 2 weeks after the end. Hope that helps!

  64. Hi I have the enlighten program at home now that I purchased from my dentist on Tuesday but am terrified to use it.
    I tried to explain to the dentist that I wasn’t keen on the overnight treatments as I’m a bad sleeper and at the moment I’m on high dose amitriptyline which gives me a very dry mouth so I know I won’t be able to get through the night without a drink (which I was told washes the gel away) also I often have to take extra pain relief in the night which again requires a drink to help swallow the tablets. I would much prefer to take this during the early evening before I sleep but was advised this would not work as well as the 8 hour overnight treatments ….please advise

    • Hi Bridget, thanks for you message. Generally night time wear is preferable as both muscle movements and saliva production is lower at night.However many patients are advised to wear them during the day, (particularly those who grind their teeth at night )
      and their results are still pretty good if worn for 3-4 hours awake.

      You can have a drink at night but try to use a straw. Perhaps try one night and decide after that. Please keep your dentist informed of whatever you decide to do.

      • Thank you ….Would I need a stronger gel if I only end up doing it for the 4 hours a day?

        • Hello again. No, not stronger gel. You may just need to do it for longer than 2 weeks. Your dentist should advise more regarding this, and they are welcome to get in touch with us if in doubt or if they need more information.

  65. Hi, I’ve been using enlighten for a week and sometimes I forget to rinse my mouth before whitening. Does this effect the treatment greatly?

    • Hi there. No, it shouldn’t have an impact. Just make sure you brush your teeth before using the gels.

  66. I have finished the Enlighten process. The results were great for the time during my treatment and maybe a few days after. Exactly what I wanted.

    However, I gradually noticed my teeth getting less and less brilliant, and more yellow again – similar to my normal colour. I have been brushing my teeth the same, if not more and have been avoiding staining foods (just for my peace of mind). It’s been less than a week since I finished my treatment and my teeth are now VERY patchy and a lot of my teeth have gone back to my original colour.

    What should I do?

    • Hi there,

      So sorry to hear about this. Early relapse can be a sign of superficial bleaching, but it’s hard to say without assessing your teeth. Have you spoken to your dentist about this?

      We would recommend you to go back to speak to your dentist and tell them to take some before and after pictures and email us. We would be happy to advise and help as we can.

      If there is anything else we can help with, please let us know.

  67. Hi,

    I’ve started the treatment, finished the first syringe and just started the 16% one. But now I’ve had to go into isolation. I’ve then got a holiday booked so won’t be able to see my dentist for another 2wks. Is it OK to leave a gap for that long? Is it OK to leave the syringe opened for that Long? Will this effect the treatment? Many thanks

    • Hey there, keep going with the treatment as normal, but save the last 2 nights worth of whitening to do right before your in-office appointment. That should be fine!

  68. Hello I have just started my whitening and I suffer from tmj so grind my teeth alot at night.

    It’s my first night and I have alot of saliva and I feel like every time I’m pushing down it is seeping out.

    I’m not sure on what to do

    • Hello there, the best thing to do is consult with your dentist and switch to day time whitening. So use the gels during the day for 2-3 hours. Either have an early dinner, brush your teeth and then use the gels, or whatever time is more appropriate for you. Please note that your treatment may end up being longer than 2 weeks in that case.

  69. Hi, my final dentist appointment is two weeks after I finish my course my dentist never mentioned keeping some gel and apply 3 days before appointment. Please can you tell me to I keep back 3 days serum in both syringes or just the green syringe

    • Hi Theresa, thanks for your message. You must only keep 2-3 nights worth from the 16% gel, not from both and do those nights right before your in surgery procedure. Thank you

  70. Hi- bleaching is going well so far! Just a couple of questions-
    I’m starting my second week and I’ve moved on to the green syringe however I still had a little bit of 10% left. Was this right? I still have my dentist appointment scheduled for the end of week 2. I have quite small teeth so I ended up overfilling for the first few nights and it left my gums sore and that’s why I have some left- should I carry on with the 16% and keep the rest of the 10% spare for topping up in the future?

    • Hi Emma, don’t worry too much. Finish up the 10%, then move onto the 16%. You can either finish up the leftover 16% after the in office or keep it for top-ups 😊

      • Hello! Just seen your comment on this and wanted to check as I’ve done the same – I have about 1cm worth of 10% gel left but have moved onto 16% tonight as it’s the 8th night (I’ve been instructed 7 nights of each). Should I go back to 10% then until that’s gone? And do 16% after even though it won’t be an equal amount of time?

        Also, I feel like I’m constantly swallowing quite a bit of minty gel – is that ok?!


        • Hello Laura,

          Thank you for your email.

          You can finish the 10% gel and move onto the 16% afterwards. The reason some people have gel leftover is because people have different sized teeth, so some will use up all the gel, so will have leftovers.

          It’s not about equal times, it’s almost a bonus that you have some leftover, so may as well use it to give your teeth an extra boost of whitening. So finish up the 10% then switch to the 16%.

          It’s ok to swallow little bit of gel that gets mixed up with saliva. As long as you make sure you wipe off the excess gel when you pop the trays in before sleep, you should be fine!

          Hope this helped!

  71. Hi, I was very pleased with the results however, it has only been two weeks and my teeth arent looking as white and seem to be yellowing again, is this normal?

    • Hi Angie, have you spoken to your dentist about this yet? That could be a sign of superficial bleaching. It would be best to contact them so they can measure shade and see what you can do. They can get in touch with us too if they need advice or help 😊

  72. Hi
    I am about to start my overnight trays and I have paid £400 for the at home treatment. I have sensitive teeth and everything I have read advises that I should have some tooth serum included in my pack. Many sites say you should be using this before doing the trays and that you can use this if you are having sensitivity to put into the trays.
    Should I have got this as part of my package?

    • Hi Louise, the full Enlighten treatment does include tooth serum. However dentists are free to use any part of the system they see fit – you can always ask your dentist for the full treatment, however this may cost more.

      • Hi,

        Thank you for your response.

        I am considering getting the chair side treatment after my at home treatment. I have had some issues with sensitivity particularly with my second syringe.

        If I wait a week or so for it to subside before having my chairside appointment, is the chairside appointment likely to cause further sensitivity?

        • Hi Louise,

          The in-office treatment should be done right after the home treatment. (as in the day after)

          For example, if you cannot attend the in-office in the 15th day after finishing the home treatment, you should keep 2-3 nights worth of whitening to do right before the in-chair session.

          It is best not to wait a week, the in-office isn’t known for causing sensitivity. But it would be a good idea to check with your dentist before making any decisions.

          Thank you!

          • Hi Daniel,

            Thank you for coming back to me. I went to the dentist and said this to them and they said I don’t need to keep any of my gel (they have a special enlighten gel they use) and that i should finish up my gel and wait a week or so for my chairside appointment because of the sensitivity.
            I’m a little confused as this contradicts your advice and I don’t want to pay for the in chair appointment if it won’t work as well with a delay?

  73. I did 2 weeks enlighten home treatment followed by in chair treatment with the dentist.The final treatment was only 10 minutes.I have patchy teeth-uneven tooth colour-very white and less white areas.
    What should I do?
    How long should the treatment with the dentist be?

    • Hi Irena, the final treatment usually takes 40 minutes. Patchiness should resolve within a week. Hope that helps.

  74. Hi! Today is day 7 for me but I still have 2 days worth of the white gel. Should I just move on and start the green gel tonight?
    Thanks 🙂

    • Hey there, finish the white one, and then move onto the green one. Sometimes it happens because different people have different sizes of teeth, so don’t worry too much! Finish it off and then move onto the green one. 🙂

  75. Hi, I have 2 days left of my treatment. Due to finish my last in house treatment this Friday. If I finish on Friday my dentist can’t see me until 11 days later for their final in-house procedure. They have said that is fine and continue my treatment and then come to this appointment…but I have read your advice to keep 2 days back. If I wait from today that means stopping treatment for 10 days before I complete 2 days and then seeing him. Is that too long? Obviously I want to get the best results as it is a big investment.

    Also I was advised to wear the trays for 2.5 hours a day. Should I have been sleeping with them? Thank you.

    • Hello there. Please keep the last 2 days of whitening and do them right before your in-office appointment. Regarding wearing them during the day – we recommend everyone who can to do the treatment during the night to sleep with the trays, but there are cases where doing it during the day is more beneficial for that patient (ie when the patient grinds their teeth at night). It must mean your dentist’s clinical judgement is that you would be better off with the day treatment. Feel free to ask them – they would be happy to explain, we’re sure!

      • Hi,
        I’m on my second week of treatment and I realised I’ve only got 3 days worth of gel left when there should be 4… I think I must have accidentally used two days on the first night of green without realising. Should I just finish the treatment as it is for 3 nights or try and split out what’s left over 4 nights?

        • Hi Tessa, don’t worry too much! Use the gel as normal – enough to cover all teeth, but not too much to have gel coming out of the trays when you pop them on. 😊

  76. Hi
    I was storing the gel in the freezer instead of the fridge for the past 6 weeks. I have been using it for 6 weeks now and I didnt notice any difference. Does freezing it damage the whitening gel? Is there a way to make it work?

    • Hey there, thanks for your message. Sorry, don’t really understand. Have you been storing the gels in the freezer for the past 6 weeks whilst using them? Could you please clarify?

  77. Hi there, I used the trays for the first time last night and I had so much saliva and needed to swallow more than I would normally, is this normal? Although I wiped the top of my gums after putting the trays in, I could taste the gel in my saliva when swallowing. Is this safe to swallow? I’m also worried that if the saliva is getting into my trays that the whitening process won’t work effectively, can you advise please? Thanks

    • Hello Lara, the trays are a foreign object in your body that is why your mouth is producing more saliva. Keep going, your mouth should get used to it. Try loading the trays with less gel and see if that helps too. Yes, it is safe to ingest some of the gel, it won’t cause any damage. Our trays are made at the highest standard and we aim to make them with very tight, sealed margins to avoid gel spillage or saliva ingress.

    • Hi Erin, it’s best to avoid drinking whilst you have the trays in, but if you have to, please make sure to use a straw.

      • Hi I am 2 days into the process. I have totally forgotten if I have to fully brush my teeth in the morning with the serum when I take out the trays or just rinse them with water and brush them 30m later but before eating breakfast. My dentist was quite clear but I waited a few days before starting , please help!

        • Hi Francine, thanks for your message. No need to over-complicate this, brush your teeth in the night before bed and before applying the gels, and also in the morning right after you take your trays out, and before breakfast. Hope this helps!

  78. Hi there,

    Am I able to use the swabs on my tooth the next day as I don’t tend to finish all the solution and don’t want to waste it. I am also doing my treatment for 14 days and the pack only comes with 12 swabs. Is it essential I apply this every session as one tooth has gum recession. Please could you advise.


    • Hello there! It is likely that the wet end of the swab may have dried by the following day. Make sure to dry your teeth by sucking air in and wiping them with a dry tissue, rub enough substance on all teeth and then wait a few seconds for it to dry. We did not designed the swabs to be used everyday. Most patients use the swabs in the first few days and find they don’t need them towards the end.

  79. I accidentally got my days mixed up & started the second syringe a day earlier than I should of. I have just used the last of the second syringe tonight. I have an appointment in 2 days time. Should I go back to using the rest of the first syringe for the final night?

  80. I managed to get my fridge settings wrong and have accidentally frozen my food. I haven’t used my enlighten yet but wondering if I’ve ruined it

  81. Hi there,

    I’ve had the trays in for 2 weeks and had the final session in the dentist’s chair three days ago. I’ve now noticed that half of the tooth has whitened whilst the other half is still a darker shade of yellow. Should I use the remaining gel I have left so the whole tooth changes colour? Thanks so much!

    • Hi there Tabitha! Yes, if you’re not entirely happy with the shade, have a chat with your dentist to and see what can be done. You can do extra whitening if needs be, there will be no harm in that. 🙂

  82. Hi,

    I’m currently in my first week of the treatment. I’ve heard that adding milk to coffee can allow you to drink it when whitening teeth. Although my dentist said to avoid coffee would it be okay if I drank latte’s since they’re mostly milk?

    • Hey there, with Enlighten you do not need to alter your diet. Most dentists advise to stay away from colour foods for piece of mind, however we do not believe in white diets. Make sure to keep up the top-up regime afterwards, and anything in moderation should be absolutely fine.

      • Hello! My dentist supplied me with my trays and kit last Friday. However, she also carried out a filling procedure for me the same day! Due to the soreness left by this, I didn’t start my treatment until last night (Wednesday). It was only then that I read the instructions that state the gels should be refrigerated. I did so immediately after using the 10% last night. However, I’m really concerned that, since the box has been sitting in my room for 5 days since leaving the dental practice, that the gels are ruined. My dentist did not tell me the gels must be kept in the fridge and to put them in the fridge straight away. Can you advise, please? I have contacted my dentist also and await her reply. Thank you.

  83. I finished the treatment 2 weeks ago, had an appointment with the dentist straight away but they did no extra treatment. They just checked the color and discharged me. Why didn’t I have the extra treatment and what should it have been?

    • Hi Grace! It is not uncommon for dentists to recommend only the home kit. Some prefer to use just the home part, or it could also be that they concluded that you do not need the in-office procedure. If you have any doubts it is best to speak directly to your dentist and ask – we are sure they would clarify this for you!

  84. Hi guys. Is it best to inject gel into the front of the moulds to focus the whitening effect on the front of the teeth?

    • HI Elliot, exactly, that’s where the gel needs to be injected, and just a pea size. 🙂

  85. If you miss the whitening 3/4 days before the in house treatment because u finished the gels does that impact the effect of the final treatment

    • If your in-office procedure is not in the 15th day, it is best to keep 2-3 nights worth of whitening and do it right before the in-office. Thank you!

    • Hi.
      I’ve just finished my first week on enlighten but aren’t really seeing results.
      In the week I took them out twice in my sleep but re-did the gel and put them back in when I realised. How long should I have trays in in total and what happens if I’m not seeing any difference at the end of the second week?

      • Hi Phoebe! The ideal time for whitening is 8 hours/night so you should aim for that or as close as possible. If you know you cannot tolerate the tray in the mouth and worries you, please have a chat with your dentist about the option of switching to day time whitening instead. this may require you to do it for longer than 2 weeks though. Please do get in touch if you or your dentist need any help or advice.

    • Hi Ebi, thanks for your message. If you are bleaching your teeth straight after – rinse, if not don’t.

    • Hi, i am on night 4 of my 3 week treatment and i have a couple of questions . is it ok to brush my teeth straight after taking the trays out? I put them in at 9pm and take them out when I get up for work at 3:15am. Is 6 hours a night enough time for the treatment to work effectively?

      • Hi Elliott, thanks for your message. 6-8 hours is the ideal time, so you should be fine. And yes, of course – you can brush your teeth straight away and carry on with your day as normal.

        • Ok thanks . Also Is it normal to be excessively slobbery once the trays are in? I feel like all the gel is leaking out and therefore won’t be working properly .

          • It’s quite normal to salivate a bit more as you have a foreign object in your mouth. But if you think it is too much, maybe have a chat with your dentist. Thank you!

  86. Recently started using enlighten.
    I’m on my third night but every morning when I wake up my trays aren’t in my mouth. I don’t know whether I’m taking them out in my sleep or they’re falling out. Any advise please??

    • Hi there Jakob, thank you for your message. Oh so sorry to hear about this! Please contact your dentist asap and discuss whether day time whitening would be a good option for you instead. Best wishes

  87. Hi there,

    I wasn’t aware of the need to keep the syringes in a fridge and assumed that this would need to be done after they were initially used. Because of appointment rescheduling, whitening was delayed and the whole enlighten pack has been left on the side in the kitchen for 3 weeks. Tonight I started the process but am I wasting my time?

  88. Hi there, I’ve used the evo-white toothpaste and have had no problems with it until now. When I was brushing my teeth the toothpaste somehow has burnt my top lip slightly. I wouldn’t say it is an actual burn but I’m not sure how to describe it as my lip isn’t sore or anything like that, it’s just slightly discoloured, like a little bit white. It has been a few days and it has the whiteness has started went but not as much.

    I’d appreciate any help about this. Thanks.

    • Hi Josh, thanks for your message. We are not aware of this kind of reaction at all. To be on the safe side stop using it and treat it as an allergy. Please contact us at info@enlightensmiles.com so we can advise you further.

  89. hello please help im on my 5th night of whitening im having veneers on the 24th of June so having this first but I have 2 questions I wasn’t Told to put them in the fridge and now I’m panicking also I’m not back at the dentist to start my veneer treatment until the 9th of June so my whitening will be finished long before then my dentist didn’t say anything about an in chair whitening please help im worrying

  90. Hi I finished my treatment September 2020 with good results. For various reasons I haven’t used the top up gels since (7 month gap). My dentist today said this was fine, if I use the gel I bought today it will still work even though I’ve had a 7 month rather than suggested 2 month gap. Is this correct? And how many days should I use it for? Thanks.

    • Hi there Nicky, that is absolutely fine. You can buy a syringe and kick it all off with a two night whitening and then continue with the recommended top-up regime. Don’t worry too much because it’s not set in stone, you’ll be fine despite the gap. A system as Enlighten is designed to provide long lasting results, so 7 months is not a big issue. Also the 2 months top up is only a recommendation but every person is different, top up regime also depends on your teeth and habits. Hope that helps.

    • Hi there June. No, the consensus is that you just spit, no rinse afterwards in order to let the toothpaste’s properties work on your teeth. Hope that helps 🙂

  91. Hi just starting the treatment, can’t believe how much I,m drooling… should this be a concern I’m worried that my saliva will make the treatment less effective?

      • Hallo there

        I have a couple of questions.

        Firstly, I am producing an awful lot of saliva overnight. Apart from being very uncomfortable I am wondering if it affects the end result.

        Secondly, does the part of tooth nearest the gum eventually get whitened as I was not aware this might not happen, so you have half white/half stained tooth?

        Thank you

        • Hi Annie, thanks for your message. If you produce a lot of saliva at night you could try wearing them awake during the day for as many hours as you can. The part nearest the gum changes last – so keep going. Hope that helps! 🙂

  92. My dentist recommended to wear the trays for 2 hours everyday but everywhere I have read it says you need to wear them overnight, can you advise please?

    • Hello there, thanks for your message. When dentists recommend using the product during the day instead of night it’s usually for a reason (most commonly they may have diagnosed you as a bruxist, which means you grind your teeth at night). Bruxist should do the treatment during the day when they are fully aware and not grinding their teeth, but if you want more answers, it’s best to check with your dentist about why were you recommended the day treatment instead. Hope this helped!

  93. Hi. I have finished my whitening treatment which was for 2 weeks, my teeth have not gone lighter. They look the same just the stains have gone but not much change in colour.

    • Hi,

      I’ve just done my 2 weeks treatment and returned to the dentist for my final appointment. The dentist just put another 16% on and left me in a room for 15 mins then came in wiped my teeth and put it on again for another 15 mins. However, I thought the final stage was under a UV/Blue light? Please can you confirm?


      • Hello Jessica, thank you for your message. That sounds right, the dentist is meant to apply the gel twice in the dental chair and let it work. What they use is a different type of gel, 6% hydrogen peroxide – a fast release gel. It is other systems that use the light at the in-chair stage, but since there are no studies to show that they make any difference at all, the Enlighten system does not involve any lights or lasers. We hope that helps.

  94. I missed the crucial info that the syringes should be kept in the fridge!
    Does this degrade the product? The process still seems to have worked, my teeth have lightened, unless I’m a little deluded!
    I also see from comments that the treatment should be done immediately prior to dental treatment. I wasnt made aware of this, my apt to 2 weeks after home treatment.
    I have left over from both syringes- should I repeat process, 2 night clear gel followed by 2 of turquoise gel prior to apt?

  95. Hi – I seem to get extremely thirsty in the night – is it ok to drink water or cordial with the trays in?

    • Hi Clare, thanks for your message. It is best not to drink, but if you must, then make sure to do so through a straw. Hope your whitening is going well! 🙂

  96. I was thinking about going to my dentist for enlighten whitening, but I have weak enamel (which is why my teeth appear yellow). Would whitening weak enamel make my teeth worse? And would it make the translucent tips of my teeth whiter?

    • Hi Sarah, thanks for your comment. Whitening doesn’t affect the strength of the enamel.

      it’s difficult to predict exactly what happens to translucent areas for each patient – but Enlighten tends to be the gel that opacifies these areas more often than not. We hope the answer helps!

  97. Hello. I cant bear having anything in my mouth over night. I don’t really like it during the day, but it is bearable.

    My question is, will the treatment be as effective if I use the gel during the day? If so, what would be better, 1 treatment of 6 hours or two treatments of 4 hours per day?


    • Hi, thanks for your message and so sorry to hear you can’t bear the trays in. Doing the treatment during the day for 2-3 hours should be fine enough, but your treatment will have to be longer, most likely 4 weeks. It’s is best to speak to your dentist and discuss the prospect of a long era treatment during daytime. We are happy to discuss this with your dentist if they need our advice. Hope that helps, thanks!

  98. I used your system 10 years ago and my results were amazing. However, the past year or so I’ve noticed my teeth are beginning to darken again and using the gel doesn’t seem to lift as it did before. Am I safe to use the gel for more than one night to try to bring the original white shade back – mine were so white they were off the chart, so when I say dark, they’re no where near their original colour but definitely not B1 +

    • Hi Jen. Yes, it’s definitely ok and safe to use the gels again for more than a day. 🙂

  99. Hi there,

    I finish my treatment in 3 days time, but I don’t have my dentist appointment until next week. Is this okay?

    • Hi Michelle,

      Please keep those 3 night worth of gel and do them right before going to the dentist. That should be fine. 🙂

  100. I was actually charged £650 for my first whitening round and this did not include a treatment at the dentist afterwards, and was also charged £250 for two top up syringes. It’s a shame that I was charged the maximum if not over the stated amount without really getting what I paid for.

    • So sorry to hear you are not happy with the prices. There isn’t really a maximum, the prices we give are for guidance from what we heard in the past from practices, however what they charge is completely out of our hands unfortunately 😔. Were your results good?

      • The results have been good, but I didn’t go up to the desired shaded hence why I got two top up syringes. For the top up, can I just use the first 10% syringe for 7 days straight, and then leave the stronger syringe to top up in the future? Or do I do the whole two week course agin. Thanks

        • Hi there. It is best to follow the instructions given by the dentist. If you were given two extra syringes, it suggests that they want you to do a further 2 weeks to ensure that a deep-bleaching system is achieved. Good luck!

  101. Hi Jean. So sorry to hear about this, have you spoken to your dentist about these concerns? Extreme sensitivity is quite rare. Have you used the Tooth Serum and the EvoSeal swabs? Have you had Enlighten trays? And were the gels kept in the fridge?

  102. Hi,

    I finished my whitening at home 10 days ago but due to lockdown it has been hard to get to the dentist for the last treatment, the next appointment is January what shall I do before I go to the dentist and will this long gap affected my treatment?

    • Hi Ashley, hold back 2 nights till just before office appointment. If you don´t have enough gel left ask your dentist to get in touch with us and we can have a chat on how to sort this out for you.

  103. Hi there, quick question. I know I have to wear these overnight but is there minimum amount of hours I should be wearing my trays at night? I only ask as I work shifts and don’t always get a full 8 hours due to my shift pattern.


  104. Hi I have completed the course at my dentist, but I’m not sure if I can ever go back to eating ‘coloured’ or spicy food. So worried about ruining my lovely white teeth
    Please advise

    • Hi Irene,

      We understand your concern, once you’ve achieved such lovely results, you don’t want to waste it. But the easiest thing would be to get one syringes per year from your dentist and keep topping up once every couple of months. This should make sure your teeth stay nice and white and you can eat and drink what you like. 🙂

        • Hi! It’s not ideal, but if you need to take a break due to sensitivity, it’s ok to take a night off.

          • Hi, I have just been reading about having to wear the trays before the final in chair appointment. However, I finished my treatment at home 3 nights ago and my dentist didn’t tell me about saving to wear the night before. What happens at the dentist appointment and is this treatment now compromised? Thank you.

          • Hi Victoria, 3 days should be fine, don’t worry. On the day, you must remember to take your whitening trays with you, and the dentist will apply a different type of gel which you will use whilst in the chair for 40 mins in total. It’s 2 x 20 mins sessions. It’s very easy and straightforward. Hope that helps 🙂